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Why is Dryness on Nose? – Definition, Causes, Actions, and More

by healthandbeautytimes

Dryness on Nose Definition

Basically, nose dryness skin is our main protective barrier against external agents.

A function that fulfills both the skin of the outer area and the mucous membrane line the entrance orifices to our body, as occurs in the nose’s case.

And skin to adequately fulfill this function. It is healthy and sufficiently hydrates.

And dry skin lacking water or lipids necessary to maintain its structure. And it is more fragile skin. It is more difficult to defend ourselves.

It essential to maintain an adequate level of hydration and avoid dryness.

What are the Causes of Dryness on the Nose?

  • The constant use of a handkerchief in colds, flu, or allergic processes causes the nose area to dry out and become irritated.
  • It occurs both with cloth tissues and the comfortable and hygienic tissues (which cause even more dryness).
  • And the dry climate in those places where the climate drier. It is more common to notice the skin and nose mucosa dry out more quickly.
  • And also, the change from areas with high temperature to cold regions.
  • It occurs in winter when we go outside, or vice versa, as in summer, when we leave the cold air conditioning to the heat of the street, it produces dehydration in the skin.
  • And both heating and air conditioning dry out the environment at home, at work, etc. The nose mucosa tends to lose moisture and become dry.
  • Environmental pollution, dust, smoke, chlorine from swimming pools, etc. are aggravating factors that also produce dehydration.

What are the Actions for Dry Skin of the Nose?

  • Its prevention and nose are dry, red, and cracked. These are the recommendations to treat them.
  • And keep the body hydrated by drinking at least 2 liters of water a day. It will help you eliminate general dryness in the skin, including the dermis in this area.
  • The peeling is significant. The dark spots may appear in the area. And to counteract this problem and eliminate the dead skin accumulating on the nose.
  • It is best to choose to exfoliate the area with an ideal product for the face or even with a damp towel. It also allows the dryness to disappear faster.
  • Some good alternatives to hydrate the nose’s skin include Vaseline, products with aloe vera, olive oil, or vitamin E.
  • You can even apply this last nutrient in the area n0following the instructions in our article about using vitamin E to the skin. Discard highly abrasive soaps and use only gentle cleansers suitable for your face.
  • Place a humidifier in your home. It helps reduce the environmental dryness that can aggravate this problem.
  • Avoid washing the skin of your face, and precisely that of your nose, with boiling water, as this increases irritation.

What are the Complications of Dryness Nose?

  • Dry skin is usually harmless. But when you don’t take care of yourself, it can lead to problems like the nofollowing.

1. Atopic Dermatitis (eczema)

  • If you are prone to this condition, excess dryness can activate the disease, causing redness, cracking, and inflammation.

2. Infections

  • Dry skin can crack, allowing bacteria to enter and cause infections. The complications are more likely to occur when the standard protective mechanisms of the skin are severely compromised.
  • For example, dehydrated skin can lead to deep cracks or fissures, which can open, bleed, and provide a pathway for invading bacteria

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