Home » Fix correctly – This is how the makeup stays under the Nose Protection

Fix correctly – This is how the makeup stays under the Nose Protection

by healthandbeautytimes

Nose Protection

Those who use public transport every day have to get used to wearing mouth and Nose Protection.

In the bus, tram, and train, wearing mouth and nose protection is now mandatory, which is a daily challenge for many makeup wearers.

It makes sense not to cover the skin under the mask, as this is stressed anyway by the warmth and moisture of the breath and friction by the fabric.

If you still don’t want to do without it and even put on makeup, you will quickly notice that the lipstick smears under the nose protection.

The nofollowing tips can help nose protection makeup was not in vain:


  • Care for the skin The better the skin moisturized, the longer the makeup lasts.
  • If the skin is rough and dry, it is much more challenging to cover the face uniformly without small scales or wrinkles becoming visible.
  • Daily creaming is the basis for a natural-looking foundation. Also, it ensures that the skin has high elasticity for longer.
  • In the evening after cleansing, you should apply a care mask to your face once or twice a week.
  • But the skin should not only be moisturized from the outside, but also from the inside: Drinking enough water is essential and healthy for all organs.

The right basis

  • Before you put on your makeup, you should use a primer. These products are often already tinted and ideally prepare the skin for makeup.
  • Pores appear smaller, and the nofollowing layers get better to hold on the skin.
  • You apply a primer similar to cream, and then the foundation is brushed on or applied with a sponge and gently blended. So the look lasts longer and appears perfect.

Waterproof Foundation

  • To a durable result possible to achieve up makeup on his, one should rely on a waterproof foundation.
  • These are mostly smudge-proof and better withstand the moisture under the mask.
  • If you have susceptible skin, you should first test such products without a mask and see whether they lead to irritation or impurities.
  • Under mouth and nose protection, the skin in this region subjected to double stress with an unsuitable foundation.

Fixing powder

  • Some powders have specially developed to fix makeup. These are particularly suitable in the mask period.
  • They are often colorless and provide better foundation hold.
  • You can calmly work it into the skin with a brush so that it connects properly with the previously applied product.
  • Bronzer, highlighter or blush can be applied later.

Settings spray

  • As a finishing touch, you should apply a settings spray that seals all previously used layers.
  • Without such a spray, the makeup lasts much worse. You can either use it after fixing powder or instead.
  • A combination of both ensures the best possible hold of makeup under the mask.

Apply lipsticks later

  • Lipsticks and masks are not the right combinations. If you still want to emphasize the mouth area, you should use liquid lipsticks that dry more and therefore hold better than ordinary lipsticks.
  • It makes more sense to use the lipstick only after wearing the mask – this way, and you can avoid unsightly stains that can ruin the makeup.

Keep your hands off the mask

  • To avoid finding half of your cosmetic products in your mask after a bus or tram ride, you should touch them as little as possible.
  • It is more hygienic and also prevents the foundation from being rubbed or blurred. The less friction you create under the mask, the better.

Suitable powder for emergencies

  • If the makeup still comes off, it only helps to improve it.
  • You should, therefore, always have at least some tinted powder in the matching color with the foundation.

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